Sunday, October 9, 2011

theme issues

it's pretty obvious that at this point the whole blogging thing is exactly what i feared- just another good idea that never gets done. but i feel like the main reason i haven't been blogging isn't that i don't have things to talk about, it's that i don't know how to say them. is this a funny clever blog? is this a serious pensive reflective blog? or is this just one more place other than facebook for me to ramble on about the daily nonsense that is going on in my life? trying to find my "angle" has kept me from blogging. NO MORE I SAY! there are so many things going on in my life that deserve to be blogged about that i actually feel like i'm being lame by NOT sharing them. so theme be darned, i'm just going to start writing. my new goal is to update this at least once a week (we'll see how long that lasts). i'm ok with the fact that i'm not the most clever person around but i can't be serious all the time either, so the tone will probably change a lot- but that's pretty much how i am anyway. i'm about to blow your mind and do a whole different post, just to get up to date on what's going on. not that i think the info will blow you away- just the fact that i'm blogging twice in one day is impressive. maybe i should wait until after midnight just to make it count as a different day....things to ponder.


  1. Also, you can blog 50 times in one day and then schedule them to post on different days. It makes you look like you can do it all, every day, all day long. I tried it once. It worked really well...that one time I tried it.
